Why subscribe?

I have always been an anxiety-ridden person.

It’s hard for me to speak what’s on my mind and to even interact with people with ease but there is something about writing that doesn't make me anxious. In fact, it makes me feel free. Free to express my thoughts and opinions at my own pace.

And even though I have lived most of my life going with the flow, about two years ago I decided to change my life. It’s not been an easy journey but it was worth it.

The major problem I faced was lack of guidance and in that, I made a lot of mistakes. These mistakes could have been easily avoided if I had resources to guide me.

In my journey, I read a lot and in the last two years, I have learned a lot. Not everything, but enough.

So, if you are struggling and are looking to change your life, subscribe to my newsletter.

If you subscribe to my newsletter, you get:

  • Weekly tips on how to improve your life

  • Books recommendations

  • Free e-books and material I create

Start your self-improvement journey today. And say goodbye to anxiety!

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It's all about taking a moment to reflect, grow, and create positive change.


✍🏻 Writer 👩🏼‍💻 Coder 🦖 Currently working in administration and trying to achieve the best of both worlds. Subscribe to my newsletter to get weekly updates on what I am writing and reading, maybe coding!